Evaluation & Consulting
policy design AND policy evaluation projects
Direct effects of foreign mobility grants carried out under the first edition of the Bekker program. Evaluation commissioned by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (Poland). December 2020 – April 2021. Role: principal investigator.
Evaluation of the first effects of the Smart Growth Operational Program in the field of R&D and implementation of the results of R&D carried out in enterprises. Evaluation commissioned by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. November 2019 – February 2020. Role: core research team member.
Ex-ante evaluation of Development Strategy for the Lodz Voivodeship 2030 (regional development strategy). Evaluation commissioned by the Marshal's Office of the Lodz Voivodeship. December 2019 – February 2020. Role: principal investigator.
Evaluation of the ERA-NET instrument under the project “Evaluation of the impact of selected measures of axis IV of Smart Growth Operational Programme and selected EC programs on the development of scientific units, stimulation of cooperation and commercialization, the development of R&D staff, the internationalization of Polish science, and the possibility of building international partnerships in order to apply to the EU Framework Program”. Evaluation commissioned by the National Centre for Research and Development. October 2019 – February 2020. Role: principal investigator.
Recommendations in the area of digital competences of the society in the context of programming support under the EU financial perspective for 2021-2027. Evaluation commissioned by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. November 2019 – December 2019. Role: core research team member.
Preparation of scenarios for the development of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in terms of innovation as part of "Expert service in the form of strategic consulting in the field of updating the Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazovia as part of a project co-financed from the funds of the Regional Operational Program of the Mazovian Voivodeship for 2014-2020". Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. August 2019 – December 2019. Role: core research team member.
Mid-term evaluation of Regional Innovation Strategy 2020 for Mazovia Voivodeship. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. August 2019 – November 2019. Role: core research team member.
Quasi-experimental evaluation of LIDER programme (large grants for early career researchers) commissioned by the National Centre for Research and Development. February 2019 – June 2019. Role: principal investigator.
Barriers and problems in the efficient implementation of projects in Measure 4.2 and Panda 2. Evaluation commissioned by the National Centre for Research and Development. February 2019 – May 2019. Role: core research team member.
Analysis of cooperation between scientific institutions and enterprises in the TEAM TECH programme. Report commissioned by the Foundation for Polish Science. January 2019 – April 2019. Role: core research team member.
Mid-term evaluation of the progress of the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020. Report commissioned by the Ministry of Investment and Development. January 2019 – April 2019. Role: core research team member.
Mid-term evaluation of material and financial progress Regional Operational Program of the Malopolskie Voivodship 2014-2020. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Malopolskie Voivodeship. February 2019 – April 2019. Role: core research team member.
Assessment of the relevance of R&D support under the Regional Operational Program of the Lodz Voivodship 2014-2020. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Lodzkie Voivodeship. September 2019 – March 2019. Role: core research team member.
Evaluation of activities to strengthen scientific research, technological development and innovation under the first priority axis of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolskie Voivodship for the years 2014-2020. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Malopolskie Voivodeship. November 2018 – January 2019. Role: core research team member.
Analysis of the innovative potential of Mazovieckie Voivodeship in national and international perspective. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. August 2018 – December 2018. Role: core research team member.
In-depth analysis of areas at risk of permanent marginalization and the provision of advisory and consultancy services in the field of actions to overcome development barriers in these areas. Research commissioned by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. April 2018 – November 2018. Role: core research team member.
Evaluation of the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) instrument in the EU financial perspective for 2014-2020. Research commissioned by the Ministry of Development. January 2018 – June 2018. Role: core research team member.
Ex-ante evaluation of the Development Strategy of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship until 2030. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. November 2017 – February 2018. Role: core research team member.
Evaluation of CORNET international initiative (Collective Research Networking). Evaluation commissioned by the National Centre for Research and Development). October 2017 – January 2018. Role: core research team member.
On-going evaluation of project selection and evaluation in territorial cooperation programmes INTERREG 2014-2020 (project for: Ministry of Development, Poland). May 2016 – March 2017. Role: research team member.
Proposal of the evaluation system for National Science Centre Poland (report for National Science Centre Poland). November 2016 – March 2017. Role: core research team member.
Support of ESI Funds to the implementation of the Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs) and to structural reforms in the Member States of the EU (report for the European Commission). March 2016 – October 2016. Role: national expert (national case study).
Lagging regions project (4 reports on development of polish regions commissioned by the World Bank). June 2016 – October 2016. Role: research team member.
Mapping of EU Member States’ / regions’ Research and Innovation plans & Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) on Bioeconomy (report for the European Commission). August 2016 – September 2016. Role: national expert.
Identification of areas of research and development activity of enterprises in the Mazowieckie voivodship and directions of cooperation under R&D works for the purposes of implementing smart specializations in Mazovia. Report commissioned by the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. February 2016 – May 2016. Role: principal investigator.
Evaluation of selected R&D programmes implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) (Evaluation commissioned by the National Centre for Research and Development). August 2015 – December 2015. Role: core research team member.
Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the ERDF and CF; Work Package 13: Geography of expenditure (report for the European Commission). February 2015 – August 2015. Role: national expert.
National report: The implementation of the partnership principle and multi-level governance in 2014-2020 ESI Funds – Poland (report for the European Commission). March 2015 – June 2015. Role: national expert (national case study).
National report: The implementation of the performance frameworks in 2014-2020 ESI Funds – Poland (report for the European Commission). March 2015 – June 2015. Role: national expert (national case study).
Challenges and targets for cross-border cooperation Programmes with the participation of Poland after 2013 (report for Polish Ministry of Regional Development). June 2012 – October 2013. Role: research team member.
Evaluation of the Regional Operational Programme of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship in the context of the competitiveness of enterprises, products and services (report for Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship). April 2012 – August 2012. Role: research team member.
Regional Governance in the Context of Globalisation (report for the European Commission). May 2009 – October 2009. Role: national expert (national case study).
The relevance of the EU program - Action 5.1. (Good Governance) for the modernization of Polish Public Administration (report for the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland). February 2009 – May 2009. Role: research team member.
Ex post evaluation of Polish partners performance in INTERREG IIIB BSR (Baltic Sea) programme (Polish Ministry of Regional Development). 2009. Role: research team member.
Ex post evaluation of INTERREG IIIA - TACIS CBC Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Programme 2004-06 ( report for the Polish Ministry of Regional Development). August 2009 – October 2009. Role: research team member.
Analysis of the Main Factors of Regional Growth: An in-depth study of the best and worst performing European regions – Country Study on the Region of Slaskie (Silesia) (report for the European Commission). 2009. Role: research team member.
Ex Post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2000-2006 Co-financed by the ERDF (objective 1 and 2); Work Package 11: Management and Implementation Systems for Cohesion Policy (report for the European Commission). April 2008 - May 2008. Role: national expert (national case study).
Evaluation of the Potential for Regional Policy Instruments, 2007-2013, to Contribute to the Lisbon and Goteborg Objectives for Growth, Jobs and Sustainable Development (report for the report for the European Commission). April 2008 – July 2008. Role: national expert (national case study).
LISGO: Evaluation of the Potential for Regional Policy Instruments, 2007-2013, to Contribute to the Lisbon and Goteborg objectives for Growth, Jobs and Sustainable Development (report for the European Commission). 2007-2008. Role: national expert (national case study).
Evaluation of Directive 85/337/EEC (Environmental Impact Assessment) and Associated Amendments – National Evaluation Report for Poland (report for the European Commission). June 2007 – December 2007. Role: national expert (national case study).